Delivery of goods

  • 1. LP Express ATM - 2.99 EUR, delivery time 2-4 days.

      2. To the post office - 3.30 EUR, delivery time 3-5 days

      3. Directly to the house with a courier - 4.90 EUR, delivery time 1-3 days

      4. If you buy more than 70 EUR - we will deliver it FREE of charge by sending it through LP Ekspress ATM.

    We send to the countries of the European Union via the Lithuanian Postal Courier Service. Delivery takes 2 days to 2 weeks.
    Price: about 15 EUR, depending on the country and the weight of the shipment.

    We send to non-European Union countries by registered mail via Lithuanian Post. Delivery takes about 4 weeks.
    Price: about 25 EUR, depending on the country and the weight of the shipment.

    We accept no liability if the shipment is damaged or lost during shipment.  

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